Thank you for applying for membership in the Men in Training Mentoring. Please allow each teacher and counselor who agrees to write you a recommendation a minimum of ten days to do so.
All required forms must be competed in order to complete the registration process for each mentee.
  • qxif-chevron-circle-rightYour parent or guardian should complete the Parent/Guardian Questions form.
  • qxif-chevron-circle-rightIf applicable, ask your counselor for a copy of your most recent grades or transcript -any semester that is graded
  • qxif-chevron-circle-rightIf you are in 18 to 22 please fill out the form where applicable to you.
If you do not have computer access all information can be mailed in care of TRUST Ministries 250 Merrick Rd Unit 569, Rockville Centre, NY 11571 (Attn. Men in Training)

If you have any questions at all about the application, please contact us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call We will notify you of your application status as soon as possible upon receipt of application and fee.
Fill out my online form.