"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil. For forty days and forty nights he fasted and became very hungry."

Matthew 2-4:1 NLT

Lent or "Lencten" is defined as spring or "lengthening of days. This winter in New York has not been met with a lot of snow if any this winter. However, in a few weeks we will soon "spring" clocks ahead and begin longer days until November. Another word for Lent is the word "given".

Lent is seen as the 40 days Jesus experienced in the wilderness after being baptized by John the Baptist [Matthew 3:13-17]. As followers of Christ, Christians remember what Jesus gave to the world through his journey to the cross and resurrection. The greatest act of love for another the world will ever see and be forever impacted by it.

However you may exercise your faith in this Lenten season, rather thank putting focus on how you can be perfect through sacrifice , meditate on what Jesus did for you out of God's love for the world specifically you.

No matter what we try to do, it will not make us worthy of God's love , but He loves us anyway and we can walk knowing we are loved without conditions or payments. Jesus paid it and took up the cost of sin we should have paid. This is why during lent we should find it easy to show kindness to others through and act of love, charity, and forgiveness.

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Thursday, 06 March 2025