

Long ago, I accepted that I am not for everyone and that everyone is not for me. I have learned that it is a blessing and for my own protection that I am not for everyone and vice versa. If you think about it, it is a lot of work just maintaining the covenant relationships we are given to manage. That being said, who has time to entertain the unnec...

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  154 Hits

Jesus and Jimmy


Many of you know that my father was taken off of lifesaving medications and measures almost two weeks ago. We were told that he would only survive minutes. This picture of me kissing his forehead was taken a few days ago during my recent visit back to Indiana, and he is still defying the odds. This week's blog is dedicated to the man I affectionate...

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  148 Hits

Faith What You Face


As a child, there was a song I remember hearing. The lyrics, "faith, faith, faith, just a little bit of faith...you don't need a whole lot, just use what you've got", takes me back to my childhood, Pentecostal church in Indiana. The bible talks about having faith the size of a mustard seed, but what does it really mean to have faith or be a person ...

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  147 Hits

Woes into Wows


A couple of years ago, my husband and I endured a painful ministry setback. Although the circumstances were not completely within our control, we felt a great deal of humiliation and embarrassment. We agonized over what we would do next, wondering if we should stay or move. The plans we thought God had for us had been denied, or so it seemed. Throu...

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  71 Hits

Self-Care Vs Self-Control


The term self-care has become the newest buzzword for needing to retreat and focus on one's personal, spiritual, emotional, or physical needs in order to function at a more optimum level. While self-care has been around for centuries, as it is defined today, self-care seems to be applied when one feels exhausted or overwhelmed by their circumstance...

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  68 Hits

Don’t Let a Stone Stand in Your Way


Are you overwhelmed by just the thought of what could stand in your way if you followed your calling or took a risk, not knowing whether you would succeed? In Mark 16, the discovery of the empty tomb offers insights that apply to our everyday living. As Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome were on their way to see Jesus, they began ...

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  67 Hits

Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.”

Trust Ministries Prayerline Summary Leader: Anais Belgrave Topic: Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption."Text: 130:7 KJV When we break down this particular verse, phrase by phrase, it gives us insight on the kind of hope we should have. The first clause "let Israel hope in the Lord" is t...

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  64 Hits