Woes into Wows


A couple of years ago, my husband and I endured a painful ministry setback. Although the circumstances were not completely within our control, we felt a great deal of humiliation and embarrassment. We agonized over what we would do next, wondering if we should stay or move. The plans we thought God had for us had been denied, or so it seemed. Throughout that time, very few reached out to us or offered any help. It was a lonely, isolating experience. However, it was during that time that we began to accept that what God was doing in our lives was not to harm us but to allow us to see His hand on us like never before, especially when it felt we had been abandoned. As leaders, we questioned our anointing and ability to serve and lead. When enduring hardship, it is important not to let your mind wander into a place of self-degradation and self-doubt. After going through a process of forgiving those who meant to destroy us, there was an opening and awakening in our ministry. Soon, I accepted a part-time position as a teacher assistant at a school. It wasn't the job I desired, but unbeknownst to me, God was about to turn my woe into a wow. In less than five months, the director of the school resigned and submitted my name to the board to be her successor. I was hired and received more than a salary. I was welcomed into a new faith community and have been blessed with much more than I ever imagined. I could go on about what all this opportunity included, but for now I will just say we are right where we need to be - restored and in awe of God.

Sometimes, we focus so much on our situation that it is difficult to remember that what we are suffering now is nothing compared to the glory God will reveal to us later (Romans 8:18). Bishop H. Eugene Bellinger, pastor of the Cathedral of the Covenant Church in Columbus, Ohio, maintains that others cannot kill the thoughts that are in the mind of God concerning us. This means no matter what is going on, and regardless of what is said about you or done to you, God has the final say! Also, no matter how long it takes for the promises of God to come to pass, keep holding on and wait in great expectation. In the words of Pastor Steve Furtick, "don't let years of disappointment deteriorate your determination". It is said that time has a way of making us doubt what God has spoken. Let me remind you that you are not forgotten and there is an appointed time for you to receive what you have been praying for, just wait and see. No, this is not a "name it and claim it" or "blab it and grab it" pep talk. I'm not telling you to turn around five times, jump up and down and shout "glory" and then you'll get what you want. What I am telling you is to trust God and keep doing good. Get prepared for what you're praying for and testify of His goodness. In uncertain times, one thing remains and that is God is good and He never fails to amaze us.

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Faith What You Face
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Thursday, 06 March 2025