Eternal Life Comes at a Cost

Trust Ministries Prayerline Summary

Leader: Anais J. Belgrave
Text: Matthew 19: 16-30
Topic: Eternal Life Comes at a Cost

What are you willing to give up in order to spend eternity with God? If God sacrificed, so ought we. Jesus explained to the disciples that it is hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of heaven. However, it's not about how much money you have in your bank account. Although sometimes, we are so focused on earning wealth and riches, that we lose sight of what is most important and that is keeping His commandments. If we're not able to let go of earthly things, how can we ever embrace God's true riches in Glory? Giving up our own wants for His desires for us may be difficult, but it's not impossible. Lady Tammie Williams reminded us that the only thing God requires us to give up is anything that will tear us away from Him. She went on to share that sometimes, our sacrifice is temporary, that God may release us to take part in it again, but not until His appointed time. Lady Joyce TerryTerry mentioned that we're never asked to give up everything, but rather the one thing we're holding onto too tightly - for example a safety blanket of sorts or a way of doing things. Nevertheless, we'll all be asked to give up something, but nothing will compare to the ultimate sacrifice Jesus paid for our sins.

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Thursday, 06 March 2025